MG&E Virtual Internship

MG&E Career Ambassador Program 2020

Angela Abongwa
Verona Area High School

Jasmine Winston
LaFollette High School
MG&E Career Ambassador Program
Madison Gas and Electric's (MGE) high school Career Ambassador Program (CAP) is a six-week program which provides exposure to gas and electric utility-related careers and academic pathways unknown to most high school students.
Students engage with a wide variety of employees in many departments including engineering, communications, environmental services, marketing, electric and natural gas operations and energy production.
Students learn about office etiquette, workplace ethics, communication, emotional intelligence, diversity, attendance requirements, business culture, teamwork, office technology, organization, leadership opportunities and career advancement pathways—all skills needed in today's competitive workplace.

"The students begin the program with some nervousness and anxiety. They leave with broad knowledge, skills, friendships and self-confidence as they prepare for their future careers."
~ Laura Kaker, MGE Senior Acquisition Partner
MGE's Human Resources Department coordinates the program along with a college intern who serves as the students' immediate supervisor throughout the six-week experience.
For successful completion of the program, students are required to participate in a capstone project related to their specific area of interest.