Christmas for Children with Responsibilities
On-Going Holiday Event
December 2nd - December 17th
Select Areas of Dane County, WI
Donation Drop-off location listed below.

Taking care of the kids taking care of kids.
Designed to aid youth of the greatest need, the Christmas for Children with Responsibilities activity will support local high school students who are trying to make the holidays a little brighter for their children and/or younger siblings. Please help ease the parental stress these students feel by donating new toys, new clothes, books, games and gift cards for ages 3 months to 12 years.
On December 20th, students of the Madison Metropolitan School District, Verona Area School District, and Sun Prairie Area School District will be provided gifts for their siblings and children.

Drop-Off Location

Group Health Cooperative Administration Offices
1265 John Q Hammons Drive, # 200
Madison, WI 53717
(Google Map)
Drop-off Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Open for
Black Friday
Our Partners

With their help we are able to get the right gifts to young struggling families throughout the county. This year's event wouldn't be possible without their wonderful dedication and support.
If your have any questions regarding your family or someone you know below the age of 18 who is experiencing financial hardship, please email us at president@100blackmenmadison.org. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee we will fully satisfy presented requests, nonetheless we will do the best we can to help.

Drop-off Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday
(Location will begin accepting donations on Dec 2)