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Essay Contest
Solutions from Those with the Most to Lose

Habitually, assessments and policy development do not involve actual commentary from all that were or will be affected. As consequence, skewed and incomplete conclusions repeatedly serve as an appalling platform to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes.

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In an effort to provide and stimulate voice to those who are most affected by the actions of others, the 100 Black Men of Madison initiated, the youth essay contest, "Solutions From Those With The Most To Lose." Students are asked to choose one stated topic, see below and write an essay of at least 1,000 words (but should not to exceed 1,250).  Entries will be submitted on line. And all area high school and middle school students are eligible.


The top essays from each high school will advance to the final round of judging that will determine 1st through 3rd place, and honorable mentions. Essays must be the original work of the submitting student. 

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